Eye Growths: Stye and Chalazion

A stye is a little growth that looks like a pimple on the eyelid. It can be either on the outer or inner eyelid. It can occur at any age and is normally not serious and does not affect vision.

Signs that you are developing a stye

You may notice slight pain, redness, swelling and sensitivity on the affected eyelid. After a day or two, a pimple develops.

You may also get slight watering of the eye, sensitivity to light and a scratchy feeling in the eye.

What Causes a Stye?

A stye is caused by staphylococcal bacteria which is present in the nose. This bacteria is easily transferred when you touch your nose and then your eye.

Everyone has this stye causing bacteria in their body, so we all have the potential of developing a stye. If you do have a stye, you can pass this bacteria onto another person, causing them to develop a stye. So always wash your hands and maintain good hygiene.

Treating a Stye

Most styes heal by themselves within a few days to a week. Applying warm compressions to the eye for 10-15 minutes about 4 times a day, normally speeds up recovery. This will relieve any pain and discomfort. The stye will eventually rupture, drain and heal.

Never pop a stye like a pimple. This normally makes the condition worse. If you continue to develop styes, your ophthalmologist can prescribe an antibiotic to prevent recurrence.


A chalazion is an enlarged blocked oil gland underneath the top or bottom eyelid. At first it may resemble a stye and then becomes a painless hard round bump. The contents of the chalazion are pus and fatty deposits that normally help lubricate the eye.

Treatment of a Chalazion

Most chalazia drain on their own with the help of warm compressions and lid massages.

Occasionally they become larger and may be persist for weeks and even months and become cosmetically unappealing. In this case an ophthalmologist can surgically remove it with a simple in office procedure.

In cases where a chalazion continues to grow in the same area or has a suspicious appearance, a sample will be taken for lab analysis and determine if it is cancerous.

Fortunately most chalazia are harmless.

If you notice any unusual growths in and around the eye area, always consult your optometrist or ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

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